Thursday, December 11, 2008

Woo Hoo!!

So the semester is finally over!!!!! However, I now am lacking for something to do. By something to do I mean school related. I keep feeling like I am forgetting something major. I am now able to clean my house and workout though. I have started on my mental planning for my closets now I am just waiting for Josh to put a second hanging bar in Abby's closet.  Then I will be off and running. As we speak, the maintenance guy is painting my wall red in my apt, which I think will give it more personality.  I dont really have anything exciting to write about yet. My daughter Maddy will be out here on the 23rd so I am looking for ward to that. Thats about it for now!


tz said...

I totally panicked this weekend thinking I forgot to go to clinicals!

Blairbear said...

haha, thats funny! I keep freaking out because I think there is something I should be doing!